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 Southwest Louisiana Birth Services

was founded from a sense of gratitude for wonderful and empowering birth experiences and wanting to share what helped us attain that.


We have had eight amazing (and very different) natural childbirths. Using skills we learned in The Bradley Method® classes combined with other trainings (including Spinning Babies and Rebozo workshops) and great support teams, our births have been amazing experiences. Our first birth was a long but completely natural and unmedicated hospital birth. Our second son was in our arms less than two hours after the first recognizable contraction. Our next five births each unfolded in unique ways-especially our youngest twins' birth.  I am very thankful that we had been adequately prepared for a wide range of experiences by our teacher and doula.  The simple decision in our first pregnancy to seek information and have good support completely changed the outcome of our birth, as well as the shape of our family through our next seven children. Birth has been my passion ever since!  I am excited to share what we have learned (foremost being that birth can be unpredictable, so you cannot be overprepared). 


As a Birth doula, I hope to facilitate mothers feeling supported, informed, and confident, so that they can birth in peace.

It is an honor to help parents navigate this exciting time! 

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Professional Trainings/Certifications

2024 - Mary's Hands Network Doula Certification

2022 - Dancey Perinatal Preventing Birth Trauma

2019 - Gena Kirby Rebozo/doula workshop

2018 - Evidence Based Birth Professional

2017 - Stillbirthday Doula training

2017 - HypnoBabies HypnoDoula certification

2016 - FY Gena Kirby, Robbie Davis-Floyd, Patrick Houser - Austin, TX

2015 - Spinning Babies by Gail Tulley - Dallas, TX

2015 - Certified Apprentice Program, Gena Kirby - New Oreans, LA

2015 - Affiliated Bradley Method Instructor - AAHCC

2014 - Bradley Method Instructor Training - Ft Worth, TX

2002 - The Bradley Method 12 week course - LA

2001 - The Bradley Method course - LA




Ashley Augustine

Tel: 337-249-4278


Gena Kirby Certified Rebozo Apprentice

I refresh my training frequently-staying up to date is important to me!

Thank you! We'll get back with you as soon as we can!

© 2020 by Ashley Augustine. founder of SWLABirthServices



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